Give Today and make Better Tomorrow
Ajit Kumar Jha
Helping Today. Helping Tommorow
NATIONAL SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. a professional service organization was established in 15 AUGUST 2011. NATIONAL SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. has grown up with various activities and contributed significantly as domestic organization in national development endeavors. NATIONAL SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT is focusing both hardware and software aspects for sustainability of the infrastructure development projects in the country.
What Make Us Different

We Educate
We are always known for providing education to needy children. We have setup remote schooling and awareness of education.

We Aware
We have been running various awareness program realted to healthy & nutrtious food, clean water, education to each children.

We Treat
We help people with all the basic medical facilities in remote areas. We set up medical camps and provide all critical vaccines to the children.

We Donate
We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need from the donation we raised from our organization.
Years of

Become a Proud Volunteer Today
Become the One Who is Considered a Hero
We need volunteer for running various awareness program related to healthy & nutritious food, clean water, education to each children.